Marin Poets Live! is a public access television show presented by Marin County Free Library and features host Neshama Franklin, who works at the Fairfax Library. The show introduces local Marin poets and delves into their reasons for writing and the influence that living in Marin County has had on their poetry.
Archives of the show are hosted on YouTube.
The Marin Poets Live! archive is a collaborative digital effort between the Marin Poetry Center, opens a new window and the Marin County Free Library.
Initial funding for this project was generated by a benefit poetry reading that Kay Ryan, twice Poet Laureate, generously did for Marin County Free Library. Marin Poets Live! advances Marin County Free Library’s goal of promoting local poetry and expanding the visibility of local poets. Current funding of the project is accomplished in partnership with Marin County Library Foundation.
In-kind support is provided by Community Media Center of Marin (CMCM). The Marin County Free Library is deeply grateful for the use of CMCM’s state-of-the-art facilities and their professional all-volunteer crew. With their support and expertise, we are creating an archive of local poets that will be a resource for years to come.