Marin County Free Library is committed to making library services accessible and welcoming to all our users.
Visiting a Library Branch
Our library locations are accessible. This includes access to all areas of the building, and all collections and resources. Our vehicles (the Bookmobile and the Learning Bus) are also accessible.
For People with Limited Mobility
- Automatic door openers at entrances
- Designated accessible parking spaces in parking lots
- Wheelchair accessible reference desks
- Accessible restrooms
- Computer stations that accommodate wheelchairs
Resources from the Library
For People with Low or Limited Vision
- Large print books, both fiction and nonfiction
- Children’s Braille books
- eBooks that can be read aloud by a device
- eBooks and Downloadable Magazines that can be magnified or font increased in size for readability
- Audiobooks: CD, mp3 discs, and downloadable/streaming
- A handheld magnifier is available at the Reference Desk for use in the library
- Large Print/High Contrast Keyboards Available on request
For People with Low or Limited Hearing
- DVD films with subtitles
- Closed caption DVD
- All streaming videos on Kanopy have subtitles/closed captions (Read more, opens a new window)
- Streaming videos from Hoopla also offer closed captioning where available. (Get more help, opens a new window)
Books & Materials about Disabilities
- Books, videos, and other materials on disabilities in our collection. You can find them by searching our online catalog. We have lists of books on a variety of topics – if you need help finding information on something specific, please ask a librarian at one of our locations or via email.
Other Library Services
- Library Beyond Walls offers free delivery of library materials by mail, for Marin County residents who are unable to visit our libraries in person due to a temporary or permanent disability. For more information visit Library Beyond Walls.
- Catalog Assistance: Library staff will check the online catalog, check the shelves, and place holds for individuals whenever the library is open.
- Physical Assistance: Staff will retrieve materials anywhere in the building. Just ask!
Further Resources
- California Department of Social Services, Blind Services: Handbook of Resources and Services For Persons Who Are Visually Impaired
- California School for the Blind: State, regional, and county agencies, non-profits, schools, and other resources.
- Library of Congress: Find a wealth of referrals. Learn about sources of assistive technology, education, employment advice, and more.
- Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Access technology, blind and low vision skills training, counseling and psychological services, Deaf-blind programs, employment immersion programs, and more.
- Marin Center for Independent Living: Information & assistance, independent living skills & peer Support, benefits navigation, housing referral & navigation, home modifications, assistive technology, PSPS resources, and more.
- California State Library Braille and Talking Book Library - BTBL is a branch of the California State Library which cooperates with the Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS).
- BTBL has braille and audio book titles similar to what you would find at your public library. The library also offers magazines, movies, newspapers and more! Services are free to all eligible readers.
- Books (and the equipment needed to use the library's audio books) are mailed postage-free to and from library patrons. There are no fines or fees for overdue or lost materials.
- Eligible readers include Northern California residents who cannot read standard print material in the usual manner due to visual, physical, or organic dysfunction.
- You must obtain a signature from a competent authority (doctor, etc.) confirming your inability to read standard print material.
- Each patron is assigned a reader advisor to help with his/her library service. Reader advisors can help with book orders, author or subject requests, machine problems, placing a temporary hold on service, and much more!
- Apply Here! or learn more about nation-wide services and the details of the application process.
For more information, contact the Regional Library serving Marin:
Braille and Talking Book Library
California State Library
P.O. Box 942837
Sacramento, CA, 94237-0001
Library Code: CA1A
Telephone: (916) 654-0640
Toll-free (In-state): (800) 952-5666
FAX: (916) 654-1119
Web site:
Do You Need an Accommodation?
If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation to participate in a County program, service, or activity, requests may be made by calling 415-473-4381 (Voice), Dial 711 for CA Relay, or by submitting a Disability Accommodation Request at least five business days in advance of the event. We will do our best to fulfill requests received with less than five business days’ notice. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats upon request.

Local Disability Resources
The Marin County Heath and Human Services Department (Marin HHS) has a fantastic Community Resources Guide, opens a new window.