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Popular titles with no waiting! Lucky Day DVD copies check out for 3 days with no renewals. First come, first served.
Streaming Movies & TV
Streaming Movies
Getting Started with Streaming Movies
To access Kanopy & Hoopla streaming services, you will need your library card number and password (PIN).
Note: Not all libraries in Marin offer Kanopy and Hoopla. Some offer access through a different link. Access depends on your residence address. Learn more.
- No waitlists. Instantly available!
- New ticket system. Use up to 24 tickets a month, plus unlimited plays of Kanopy Kids, opens a new window. How tickets work.
- Number of tickets needed and viewing period for each film varies.
- Mobile apps, opens a new window for iOS devices, Android devices and Amazon Fire tablets
- TV Apps, opens a new window for Roku, Chromecast, AppleTV and more
Need help? Visit Kanopy Help, opens a new window for information and troubleshooting.
- No waitlists.
- Check out up to 8 items a month
- Most films check out for 3 days
- Supported devices, opens a new window include iOS devices, Android devices and Amazon Fire tablets, as well as
- Support for Roku, AppleTV, Fire TV, Android TV and some Chromecast
Need help? Visit Hoopla Help, opens a new window for information and troubleshooting.