Celebrating National Friends of the Library Week

National Friends of Libraries Week: Oct 17-23, 2021

We are so grateful for the support of our Friends of the Library groups!


This week we are honoring their contributions and reflecting on all the things they have made possible for our libraries and all the ways they help us grow and build resilient communities.

The Friends of the Libraries support the Library and our communities with their unceasing generosity to help fund our services and facilities.

If you would like to join the Friends or make a donation, visit www.marinlibraryfriends.org, opens a new window.


Here are some examples of the ways that the Friends have made a difference for our libraries and communities:

Events and Programs:

  • Funding from our Friends groups makes our events possible, such as our summer reading programs, as well as in-person and online events for all ages.
  • Thanks to the Friends, we gave out hundreds of Take and Make craft kits to kids over the summer, as well as thousands of books to encourage literacy.
  • The Friends have also funded toys and puzzles for raffles, virtual craft workshops for kids, virtual book clubs for adults and outdoor chair yoga for seniors, and many more.

Books and Materials:

  • The Friends have supported creating totebags for TK-2 students to create little libraries in students’ homes to improve access to books and encourage literacy development at home.
  • They have also supported the Library’s commitment to education equity by helping to fill library shelves in the Sausalito Marin City School District with engaging and representative books.
  • The Friends generously supported efforts to provide Little Learner Kits and books for our Pre-School backpack kits over the summer.

Tools and Equipment:

  • The Friends helped ensure that the Library had the tools necessary to thrive through the pandemic, as we adapted to taking our services outside, curbside and virtual.
  • This included outdoor storytime mats, a phone stand for virtual programming, wagon, buttonboy, UV wand and more.

Facilities Improvements:

  • The Friends contributed to the lovely remodel of the Corte Madera children’s room with furnishings and other welcoming additions.
  • Over the years they have made significant contributions to many of our branches.
  • The Friends are supporting our coming garden project at the Fairfax Library. Stay tuned for more information about how you can contribute by donating a custom engraved stone paver!
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