Marin County Rental Assistance Program

The Marin County Rental Assistance Program is opening an online application on Tuesday, March 23rd.  Low-income Marin County residents can apply to receive 80% of unpaid back rent due between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.

This application does not ask for any citizenship information and is open to all eligible Marin County renters. Receiving assistance from this program does not affect public charge.

To be eligible, an applicants’ combined household income* should be below the following by household size (your household includes anyone living in your unit, including children under 18):

• Household of 1: $97,600

• Household of 2: $111,550

• Household of 3: $125,500

• Household of 4: $139,400

• Household of 5: $150,600

• Household of 6: $161,750

• Household of 7: $172,900

• Household of 8: $184,060

* this income will be determined by the household's current income, as opposed to annual income for tax purposes


Please email, or call (415) 473-2223. Requests for disability accommodations may be made by phoning (415) 473-2223 (Voice), CA Relay 711 or by e-mail at Please do not call the line more than once, as it slows down the process. Staff will be available to assist applicants who do not have access to a computer or smart phone or need additional assistance.

More information is available at

The County has also created a new webpage with COVID 19 Renter Protections information, in Spanish and English:, opens a new window