Library Parcel Tax Headed to Voters

With Board’s approval July 19, measure to appear on November ballot

San Rafael, CA – Patrons of the Marin County Free Library (MCFL) enthusiastically supported a parcel tax to enhance services in 2014 and recent surveys show strong satisfaction with MCFL overall.

After receiving information from MCFL staff, opens a new window during its July 12 meeting, the Marin County Board of Supervisors directed staff to bring a resolution for a parcel tax renewal measure for the November 8, 2022, General Election ballot to their July 19 meeting. The staff report, opens a new window and an informational presentation, opens a new window are online in preparation for the meeting.

The renewal measure would provide approximately $4.7 million annually in local funding to continue providing library services, including:

  • Maintaining library hours and 24/7 online library access
  • Enhancing programs for children, teens, adults and seniors
  • Increasing book and digital collections
  • Providing free internet access and computers
  • Upgrading library facilities at branch libraries

MCFL operates 10 branches, a Learning Bus and a bookmobile that help provide resources and outreach to locations in rural areas, farmers markets, and places where there is a concentration of older adults. It is part of the MARINet Consortium, a partnership with six other local libraries and two college campus libraries.

Library patrons have told MCFL that they would like more online resources, eBooks and print books in general and cited long wait times for popular items. According to nearly 5,000 respondents to a community survey, they would like extended branch hours of operation, more programs for adults and seniors, facility upgrades, and more staff.

“Our community survey speaks to the need of more from the library system,” said MCFL Director Lana Adlawan. “Without the passage of the parcel tax measure and the increase, we will not be able to keep the status quo. That’s what we’re looking in the future to do – expand that status quo.”

Expenditures of tax revenues would be overseen by an independent citizens’ oversight committee similar to the one in place for the current Measure A.

The existing parcel tax is just under $58. The Board plans to support the renewal of the parcel tax with an increase to $98 per parcel, for nine years, with a senior exemption and Consumer Price Index adjustment not to exceed 3% annually.

Learn more about MCFL on its website,, its Facebook page, opens a new window, its Instagram feed, opens a new window, and its Twitter account, opens a new window.

Lana Adlawan
Marin County Free Library

3501 Civic Center Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 473-6051
Email: Lana Adlawan, opens a new window
Library website

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