Partner Libraries in OverDrive/Libby

Get more access to ebooks through the Partner Library feature.  Like Link+ but for OverDrive/Libby ebooks and audiobooks, MARINet patrons can borrow items from partner libraries. 

Our partners are the Peninsula Library System and NorthNet Library System.  Partner library patrons can borrow items from each other that aren't currently checked out and do not have any holds.

How does it work in Libby?  Just add Peninsula Library System and NorthNet Library System as new libraries and then checkout available titles.

1. In Libby, click the center bottom button and then "Add Library."

2. Search for "Peninsula Library" then click on "Peninsula Library System."

3. Click on "Sign In With My Card."

4. Scroll down and pick your home library under "Partner Libraries."

5.  Sign in using your library card number and PIN.

6.  Repeat steps for "NorthNet."

Browse and borrow from MARINet, Peninsula Library System or NorthNet!

To switch between library catalogs, just click the center button and then the library name.  The current catalog is indicated with a star.

All loans will show up in your account, no matter which partner library owns them.

How does it work on the OverDrive site?

"Partner libraries" will show up at the top of our OverDrive website:

When you click on "Partner Libraries" a pop-up box will list libraries that you can borrow from:

Once on the Peninsula Library System or NorthNet site,  select your home library and sign in using your barcode and PIN.

Patrons will only be able to borrow materials that are available.  (On Libby, patrons only see available items.)  On the OverDrive website patrons will see everything - even titles you can't borrow.

If patrons try to borrow a title that has holds, they will get this error message: