Marin County Free Library Strategic Plan Consultant

Request for proposal - deadline extended

We are excited to announce that the Marin County Free Library is looking to the future and will be creating a new plan for how we can meet the evolving needs of our community.   After experiencing the disruptions across our society and the world of the recent past, we want to focus on providing the resources and services  that all our residents need to thrive and be empowered to accomplish their dreams and potential.   In developing our new goals and objectives we will apply a racial equity lens to create opportunities for success, in alignment with overall County of Marin values.  To ensure a transparent process that engages our community and MCFL staff, we will be employing a consultant to help develop our strategic plan.

Marin County Free Library Strategic Plan Consultant - Request for Proposal

Department:  Marin County Free Library

Category:  Professional services

Issue Date:  March 7, 2023

Project Description:  Marin County Free Library (MCFL) is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. The plan should include goals, measurable objectives and/or strategies through a racial equity lens that capture the evolving needs of our community, especially as libraries and communities have evolved in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The final product will be a guide for MCFL staff over the next three years, as well as a public document that shares our goals and priorities with our wider community. 

Project Information:  Request for Proposal [pdf]

Question Submittal Date:  04/21/23 5:00 PM PST

Submission Due By:  04/28/23 5:00 PST

Contact:  Lana Adlawan

Delivery Address: 

Marin County Free Library
Attn:  Lana Adlawan, Director of County Library Services
3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 414
San Rafael, CA  94903

Questions received by the Library about the Request for Proposal with answers

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