Starting on Tuesday, March 11, access to the Corte Madera Library parking lot and sidewalks will be affected by construction work. Â Pedestrian and vehicle access will both be closed at the main parking lot entrance. The second entrance will remain open for vehicles and pedestrians. Cars will have to enter AND exit through the second entrance. Four parking spaces will also be inaccessible. Due to the potential for weather-related delays, the closure will likely last until March 28. See map for details.
Corte Madera Library
Hours & Information
Starting on March 11, access to the parking lot and sidewalks will be affected by construction work.
The Corte Madera Library will be closed on March 19 and 26 due to planned PGE work.

Corte Madera Library Improvements
Upcoming In-Person Events
Upcoming Online Events
Holidays and Closures
PGE work at Corte Madera LibraryWednesday, March 19, 2025Closed All Day
PGE work at Corte Madera LibraryWednesday, March 26, 2025Closed All Day
Cesar Chavez DayMonday, March 31, 2025Closed All Day
Memorial DayMonday, May 26, 2025Closed All Day
JuneteenthThursday, June 19, 2025Closed All Day
Independence DayFriday, July 4, 2025Closed All Day
Labor DayMonday, September 1, 2025Closed All Day
Veterans DayTuesday, November 11, 2025Closed All Day
Thanksgiving DayThursday, November 27, 2025Closed All Day
Day after ThanksgivingFriday, November 28, 2025Closed All Day
Christmas DayThursday, December 25, 2025Closed All Day
New Year's DayThursday, January 1, 2026Closed All Day
About Corte Madera
- Book Drop - Open All Hours
- Chromebooks & Hotspots
- Computer Appointments
- Copier
- Fax
- Printer
- Scanner
- WiFi
- Accessibility
- Gallery Space
Sensory kit at the library- English & Español: Our kit has items to help relieve anxiety and stress in children with sensory sensitivities in order to have a successful experience at the library. Please ask the staff at the children’s desk about borrowing these materials for in-library use.
Social story- English & Español:  A social story is an accessibility tool that describes what to expect when going somewhere new, like visiting the library.
New at Corte Madera

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