Library premises are available for the use of members of the public to meet their needs in accessing information. As part of its educational mission, the library permits tutoring on the premises in accordance with written policy.
Independent tutors are not sponsored by the library. All arrangements must be made between the tutor, student, and parents.
Tutors are asked to observe the following guidelines when tutoring in the Library.
- Tutoring activities are to be confined to group study areas, thus keeping the rest of the Library relatively quiet for individual reading and study. Tutors should inquire at the branch about the location of appropriate study areas.
- Designated areas may not be available if needed for Library programs or activities. Tutors should re-schedule or inquire about alternate space.
- Tutoring sessions must be kept as quiet as possible. The Library's policy regarding disruptive behavior applies.
- Group tutoring is discouraged. If it is necessary, the group should be confined to one table. No more than three students should be involved in group tutoring.
- Tutors are responsible for the behavior of the students being tutored during the tutoring session.
- It is preferred that the parent remain in the Library while the child is being tutored. The Library assumes no responsibility for children left unattended.
- Library staff is happy to assist tutors and their students, just as they assist any patron of the Library. However, the Library staff must be available to all people who come into the Library for help.
- Library telephones may not be used to make or cancel appointments.
- Tutors and students must bring their own supplies.
The following uses are expressly prohibited in Library space: buying, selling, advertising, or trading products or services (other than educational services of a paid tutor) for cash or other consideration, except in support of the Library.
The Library shall be the exclusive interpreter of what constitutes an acceptable use.
December 24, 2003