Kids Bookshelf: COVID-19

The vaccine is finally here! While patiently waiting for the time when we can all be vaccinated, families must continue to exercise vigilance. Messages about safe behaviors are worth repeating, especially for younger children who may not understand the magnitude of the virus.

Stories are an effective way to introduce the basics and continue the conversation. The library has curated a COVID-19 collection of books for adults to read together with children. The books tell kids the importance of taking care of themselves and others and about emotions they're experiencing during this challenging time.

Wearing a mask and social distancing is the easiest kindness there is.”

~RJ Palacio (Author of Wonder), via Twitter, 12-8-20


List created by Marin County Staff Kids

Stories to read-aloud to kids about the coronavirus, to help them understand their feelings and the importance of caring for others as well as themselves.

View Full List

For more resources and parent information, please call 415-473-2272 to Talk to a Librarian, Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-3, Sun 1-4.

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels