Family Storytimes

A taxi driver asked Deborah Farmer Kris, parent educator, teacher, and mom, during her ride, “What’s your best piece of parenting advice?

Her straightforward reply was, “I read to my family.

In this time of uncertainty and anxiety, reading together with your children has never been more critical to unify a family. Stories connect us, create a sense of normalcy and security, and help kids feel loved. Spending time reading a book as a family provides a consistent, safe place for respite and comfort.

Instituting a practice of reading aloud to your children is one of the best ways to foster literacy skills and develop positive associations with books and reading. Stories open the door for conversations about important topics, ideas, people, and places. They also extend social-emotional development and help students develop empathy, kindness, compassion, and respect for others.

Tips for family storytimes