During May, we honor the many contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to America and the world.
Bolinas Reads: May 2023
By jsilvia
This 'Bolinas Reads' features Oliver Whitcroft (drawing by Vanessa Waring)
Little Red Reading Hood Visits West Marin Libraries
Saturday April 29 at the Papermill Creek Children's Corner in Point Reyes Station is the next free family program featuring Little Red Reading Hood (Kerry Bacho). Her library and school visits to Point Reyes, Inverness, and Bolinas/Stinson have been part of a month-long celebration of Día del Niño/Día del Libro.
Neshama’s Choices for April 24th
Titles reviewed this week: Someone Else's Shoes, Aesthetica, Fox Creek, How Far the Light Reaches
National Library Week, April 23-29, 2023
If you haven't checked out the library's branches and mobile vehicles lately, you're missing the full story. Stop by for a visit!
Semana Nacional de las Bibliotecas, 23-29 de abril, 2023
By MCFL Admin
Si no ha visitado últimamente las sucursales y los vehículos móviles de la biblioteca, se está perdiendo un montón. ¡Visítenos!
Introducing Mobile Checkout On Our App
Now you can skip the checkout line and check out your items using your mobile device. All you need is our MARINet app. Simply tap the cart icon and scan the library barcodes with your phone's camera to check out.
Presentamos el Préstamo Móvil en Nuestra Aplicación
By MCFL Admin
Ahora puede saltarse la cola y sacar sus artículos utilizando su dispositivo móvil. Todo lo que necesita es nuestra aplicación MARINet. Solo tiene que pulsar el icono del carrito y escanear los códigos de barras de la biblioteca con la cámara de su teléfono.
Neshama’s Choices for April 17th
Titles reviewed this week: This Way Out, The Museum of Rain, A Career in Books, Rough Sleepers.
Neshama’s Choices for April 10th
Titles reviewed this week: Looking for the Hidden Folk, Still No Word from You, The Outrun, At Certain Points We Touch
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